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Delta Electronics Americas Ltd

Delta Electronics Americas Ltd manufacturers power electronics, DC brushless fans, visual displays, industrial automation, networking products, electronic components, consumer products, energy efficient and renewable energy products. Their products cover a number of industry segments, including the IT, communications, industrial automation, renewable energy, lighting, power tool, automotive electric vehicle, and other major industries.

THD Series

The THD series boasts newly designed bionic blades inspired by nature’s most powerful winged predators. This fan series represents the most quiet, fast, powerful, and efficient design Delta has to offer. Engineers managed to apply the posture and wing structures of an osprey in flight to design fan blades via parameterized and simulated processes.

By simulating the curve of an osprey’s wing in flight, the new THD series fan reduces fan noise up to 6dB-A. The measurement of noise is a logarithmic relation, so a reduction of 6dB-A is a 10^6 reduction of noise, which is equivalent to the difference between four fans running simultaneously and the noise from one fan- quite a significant margin. THD fans offer different sizes of products, from SQ80mm to OD200mm.

Products Features:

  • Higher performance at lower noise
  • More powerful cooling solution
  • 45% higher bionic fan efficiency
  • High strength blade design
  • Advanced motor driving tech

These high-performance fans are designed specifically for the following applications:

  • Telecom
  • Networking
  • Data Center/Server
  • Cloud Storage

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